WHS Announcements
Homecoming Dress Up Days
Theme: “Real Champions Wear Purple”
Monday: Color Wars Seniors-Pink, Juniors-Orange, Sophomore-Black, Freshmen-Blue
Tuesday: BBQ Dad vs Soccer Mom
Wednesday: Red Flag vs White Lie
Thursday: Frat vs Farmer
Friday: Purple and White
Congratulations to these WHS students!
Mr. & Miss WHS: Chase Young and Lola Chappell
Mr. & Miss 12th grade: Zeb Major and Avery Sellars
Mr. & Miss 11th grade: Nathan Riddle and Macie Brelje
Mr. & Miss 10th grade: Avery Burress and Sadie Thomas
Mr. & Miss 9th grade: Carlos Shannon and Karissa C’Accursio
Homecoming Court:
Shayla Allison
Cadence Grimes
Addalyn Hulse
Mallory Race
Kiera Rogers
Open Court Tennis will be June 17th, 18th and 20th 9 am-11am. This is available for any incoming 2024-2025 student who is interested in playing tennis
WHS Teacher of the Year
New Student Registration 2024-2025
Wilson County Schools offers free 24/7 Tutoring for all students in grades 9-12. Paper provides on-demand homework help, ACT Prep, writing feedback, and study support exactly when, where, and how students need it.
We are very proud to announce that eight Wilson County Schools have been recognized as a Reward School by the Tennessee Department of Education for the 2022-2023 academic year.
School Hours