Offers 2 years of tuition free community or technical college to high school graduates beginning with the Class of 2015.
No GPA, ACT or income requirements
Complete 8 hours of community service
Students must apply online at by November 1.
Attend mandatory meetings at local high school
Complete FAFSA by March 1 (verify the date on the tnpromise website, because it has changed each year, the past 2 years)
Apply for community college or Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) by spring.
Once in the program, students must maintain a 2.0, complete 8 hours of community service before the start of each term enrolled and file the FAFSA by February 1 each year.
Award Amount: $2,250 per semester (freshman/sophomore) and $2,850 per semester (junior and senior) for 4 year institutions; $1,600 each semester for 2 year inst.
Students must have a minimum of a 21 ACT OR overall GPA of 3.0 unweighted.
No income requirements
Students must enroll within 16 months of high school graduation at an eligible institution.
Must complete FAFSA in order to be considered for the HOPE Scholarship
Recognition Program that involves community business leaders helping motivate all students to complete a rigorous course of study that will prepare them for college and their careers.
60 hours of community service. Community service is a service provided to the community for which you do not receive payment or compensation.
Medallion worn at graduation
Gold seal on diploma
Local, state & national recognition
Note: 60 hours community service, NO out-of-school suspensions and 95% attendance is required
Forms to help you keep up with community service hours can be printed using the form below or picked up at the Counseling Center.
Completed forms should be turned in to the Counseling Center and we will keep track of your hours in Skyward.